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The Land of the Inbetween: The Mythical PreSales Role 

The Land of the Inbetween: The Mythical PreSales Role 

Welcome to the Land of  the In between: The mythical PreSales Role 
The “in between” sounds like a scary plot on a Netflix series about tech sales, but in actuality, that’s where all PreSales professionals spend their days. 

We live in the in-between. We’re half technical, half sales but we’re not sales, not product, and not quite implementation or tech services. We’re the bridge - (caffeinated, mildly frazzled bridge)—that keeps the whole sale organization moving forward. We are constantly battling doing whatever it takes to close the deal vs ensuring the post sales team is . . .

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Maddie Suppon

Bring the Sass to the SaaS PreSales world!

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