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Mark Cope

I am passionate about scaling SaaS organizations. Using my two decades of Revenue Leadership experience, I have honed an approach that yields fast results. I enjoy taking an organization that has huge potential, solves an important problem but might be lacking in execution, and turning that organization around quickly. SaaS startups and scale-ups are at an interesting infection point. Which sales motion is going to be optimal for your organization given the problem you solve, the buyer dynamics and the target personas? My whole approach revolves around levering innovation to drive record-breaking results. This could be PLG-hybrid, PLG-AI or some combination of SLG that is optimized around the bullseye of your ICP. We'll figure out what will drive optimal results in the quickest time.

We need to hire more salespeople

“Tis the Season” – Annual Planning Season that is!

The old way of thinking is ingrained in the minds of many Revenue Leaders, and boards, but as the landscape of SaaS continues to evolve rapidly, a shift in mindset is necessary. It is no longer about simply hiring more salespeople to exceed already ambitious growth targets. The focus needs to be on maximizing existing resources effectively and focusing your sales capacity towards the most successful customer profiles.

There is so much wasted capacity, spending time on ill-fitting prospects for the sake of pipeline metrics, think about how you can reduce the noise for your reps so they can be more successful and measured in their efforts.

You have to work this into your model. From your TAM, work out how much is Serviceable (SAM) and then how much of that is truly Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), the part of the market that you can not only service, but that you want to service, have to service and have a right to win!

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