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Measure Twice, Cut Once

Measure Twice, Cut Once

You may have heard the Carpenters’ adage, “measure twice, cut once”. It means to take extra care in order to prevent costly or irreparable mistakes from happening in your craftsmanship. 

Try to uncut a piece of wood or un-chisel a stone.

Similarly, try to pull back a message or piece of content after it has been read and received by one or many people.

If you are writing for business, whether an email, article or a LinkedIn post the rule is, before you hit “publish” or “send”, do the following:

  • Run grammar check . . .

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About The Author

Mike Muhlfelder

The wisdom of age or just not shy with my personal perspective on selling. You decide. I am a dedicated sales leader with a passion for driving positive change in the B2B sales world, whether that is at the individual level or building/ rebuilding processes. Yes, I believe fully in AI and how it can benefit us but only if you fix the underlying processes before you add technology. If you don't agree with anything I have said or written, tell me. We start learning when we find out we are wrong.

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