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Cold Sweats About Your Sales Forecast?

Cold Sweats About Your Sales Forecast?

Full disclosure, I have missed every sales forecast. More than 130 quarters in sales and not once was I right.

Wait! What??? 

In reality, it’s rare that people hit their sales forecast exactly. Sometimes we are short and sometimes we overachieve, sometimes by a little and sometimes by a lot. Contrary to popular belief, it is not really a science and rather a tremendous amount of logic and experience properly applied.

“Yeah Mike, but public companies hit their EPS forecast to investors, right?”

Kind of. I have worked in public companies. There is a lot of maneuvering that happens . . .

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About The Author

Mike Muhlfelder

The wisdom of age or just not shy with my personal perspective on selling. You decide. I am a dedicated sales leader with a passion for driving positive change in the B2B sales world, whether that is at the individual level or building/ rebuilding processes. Yes, I believe fully in AI and how it can benefit us but only if you fix the underlying processes before you add technology. If you don't agree with anything I have said or written, tell me. We start learning when we find out we are wrong.

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